Cannot create pd.Series from dictionary | TypeError: 'values' is not ordered


I can't create a pd.Series object from this dictionary for some reason. I did it with another one very similar.

Note: Updated 2018-June-04
It looks like there is a GitHub issue for this:


import pandas as pd
from numpy import array
import numpy as np

param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])

pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
634 try:
--> 635 order = uniques.argsort()
636 order2 = order.argsort()

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
445 try:
--> 446 sorter = values.argsort()
447 ordered = values.take(sorter)

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
344 try:
--> 345 codes, categories = factorize(values, sort=True)
346 except TypeError:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
176 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 177 return func(*args, **kwargs)
178 return wrapper

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
642 na_sentinel=na_sentinel,
--> 643 assume_unique=True)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
449 # try this anyway
--> 450 ordered = sort_mixed(values)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in sort_mixed(values)
435 dtype=bool)
--> 436 nums = np.sort(values[~str_pos])
437 strs = np.sort(values[str_pos])

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ in sort(a, axis, kind, order)
846 a = asanyarray(a).copy(order="K")
--> 847 a.sort(axis=axis, kind=kind, order=order)
848 return a

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-1f46691300f8> in <module>()
1 param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])
----> 2 pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __init__(self, data, index, dtype, name, copy, fastpath)
181 if index is not None:
--> 182 index = _ensure_index(index)
184 if data is None:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in _ensure_index(index_like, copy)
4955 index_like = copy(index_like)
-> 4957 return Index(index_like)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in __new__(cls, data, dtype, copy, name, fastpath, tupleize_cols, **kwargs)
433 from .multi import MultiIndex
434 return MultiIndex.from_tuples(
--> 435 data, names=name or kwargs.get('names'))
436 # other iterable of some kind
437 subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=object)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_tuples(cls, tuples, sortorder, names)
1354 arrays = lzip(*tuples)
-> 1356 return MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, sortorder=sortorder, names=names)
1358 @classmethod

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_arrays(cls, arrays, sortorder, names)
1298 from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import _factorize_from_iterables
-> 1300 labels, levels = _factorize_from_iterables(arrays)
1301 if names is None:
1302 names = [getattr(arr, "name", None) for arr in arrays]

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterables(iterables)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in <listcomp>(.0)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterable(values)
2513 codes =
2514 else:
-> 2515 cat = Categorical(values, ordered=True)
2516 categories = cat.categories
2517 codes =

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
349 # raise, as we don't have a sortable data structure and so
350 # the user should give us one by specifying categories
--> 351 raise TypeError("'values' is not ordered, please "
352 "explicitly specify the categories order "
353 "by passing in a categories argument.")

TypeError: 'values' is not ordered, please explicitly specify the categories order by passing in a categories argument.

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Can't reproduce, works fine for me on 0.22.0, trying on 0.23.0 now
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:42

  • 2

    Seems like an issue with the most recent version of pandas, it breaks on 0.23.0 for me.
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:45

  • I guess I could turn it into a string and then literal_eval it later what I need the vals? What is the categorical thing it's referring to?
    – O.rka
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:46

  • 1

    I just downgraded to 0.22 and it solved all of my problems. thanks for saving the day.
    – O.rka
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:00

  • 5

    Might be worth submitting as an issue. Not sure if that is intended behavior.
    – user3483203
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:01


I can't create a pd.Series object from this dictionary for some reason. I did it with another one very similar.

Note: Updated 2018-June-04
It looks like there is a GitHub issue for this:


import pandas as pd
from numpy import array
import numpy as np

param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])

pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
634 try:
--> 635 order = uniques.argsort()
636 order2 = order.argsort()

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
445 try:
--> 446 sorter = values.argsort()
447 ordered = values.take(sorter)

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
344 try:
--> 345 codes, categories = factorize(values, sort=True)
346 except TypeError:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
176 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 177 return func(*args, **kwargs)
178 return wrapper

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
642 na_sentinel=na_sentinel,
--> 643 assume_unique=True)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
449 # try this anyway
--> 450 ordered = sort_mixed(values)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in sort_mixed(values)
435 dtype=bool)
--> 436 nums = np.sort(values[~str_pos])
437 strs = np.sort(values[str_pos])

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ in sort(a, axis, kind, order)
846 a = asanyarray(a).copy(order="K")
--> 847 a.sort(axis=axis, kind=kind, order=order)
848 return a

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-1f46691300f8> in <module>()
1 param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])
----> 2 pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __init__(self, data, index, dtype, name, copy, fastpath)
181 if index is not None:
--> 182 index = _ensure_index(index)
184 if data is None:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in _ensure_index(index_like, copy)
4955 index_like = copy(index_like)
-> 4957 return Index(index_like)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in __new__(cls, data, dtype, copy, name, fastpath, tupleize_cols, **kwargs)
433 from .multi import MultiIndex
434 return MultiIndex.from_tuples(
--> 435 data, names=name or kwargs.get('names'))
436 # other iterable of some kind
437 subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=object)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_tuples(cls, tuples, sortorder, names)
1354 arrays = lzip(*tuples)
-> 1356 return MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, sortorder=sortorder, names=names)
1358 @classmethod

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_arrays(cls, arrays, sortorder, names)
1298 from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import _factorize_from_iterables
-> 1300 labels, levels = _factorize_from_iterables(arrays)
1301 if names is None:
1302 names = [getattr(arr, "name", None) for arr in arrays]

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterables(iterables)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in <listcomp>(.0)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterable(values)
2513 codes =
2514 else:
-> 2515 cat = Categorical(values, ordered=True)
2516 categories = cat.categories
2517 codes =

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
349 # raise, as we don't have a sortable data structure and so
350 # the user should give us one by specifying categories
--> 351 raise TypeError("'values' is not ordered, please "
352 "explicitly specify the categories order "
353 "by passing in a categories argument.")

TypeError: 'values' is not ordered, please explicitly specify the categories order by passing in a categories argument.

share|improve this question

  • 2

    Can't reproduce, works fine for me on 0.22.0, trying on 0.23.0 now
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:42

  • 2

    Seems like an issue with the most recent version of pandas, it breaks on 0.23.0 for me.
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:45

  • I guess I could turn it into a string and then literal_eval it later what I need the vals? What is the categorical thing it's referring to?
    – O.rka
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:46

  • 1

    I just downgraded to 0.22 and it solved all of my problems. thanks for saving the day.
    – O.rka
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:00

  • 5

    Might be worth submitting as an issue. Not sure if that is intended behavior.
    – user3483203
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:01




I can't create a pd.Series object from this dictionary for some reason. I did it with another one very similar.

Note: Updated 2018-June-04
It looks like there is a GitHub issue for this:


import pandas as pd
from numpy import array
import numpy as np

param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])

pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
634 try:
--> 635 order = uniques.argsort()
636 order2 = order.argsort()

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
445 try:
--> 446 sorter = values.argsort()
447 ordered = values.take(sorter)

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
344 try:
--> 345 codes, categories = factorize(values, sort=True)
346 except TypeError:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
176 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 177 return func(*args, **kwargs)
178 return wrapper

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
642 na_sentinel=na_sentinel,
--> 643 assume_unique=True)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
449 # try this anyway
--> 450 ordered = sort_mixed(values)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in sort_mixed(values)
435 dtype=bool)
--> 436 nums = np.sort(values[~str_pos])
437 strs = np.sort(values[str_pos])

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ in sort(a, axis, kind, order)
846 a = asanyarray(a).copy(order="K")
--> 847 a.sort(axis=axis, kind=kind, order=order)
848 return a

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-1f46691300f8> in <module>()
1 param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])
----> 2 pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __init__(self, data, index, dtype, name, copy, fastpath)
181 if index is not None:
--> 182 index = _ensure_index(index)
184 if data is None:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in _ensure_index(index_like, copy)
4955 index_like = copy(index_like)
-> 4957 return Index(index_like)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in __new__(cls, data, dtype, copy, name, fastpath, tupleize_cols, **kwargs)
433 from .multi import MultiIndex
434 return MultiIndex.from_tuples(
--> 435 data, names=name or kwargs.get('names'))
436 # other iterable of some kind
437 subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=object)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_tuples(cls, tuples, sortorder, names)
1354 arrays = lzip(*tuples)
-> 1356 return MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, sortorder=sortorder, names=names)
1358 @classmethod

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_arrays(cls, arrays, sortorder, names)
1298 from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import _factorize_from_iterables
-> 1300 labels, levels = _factorize_from_iterables(arrays)
1301 if names is None:
1302 names = [getattr(arr, "name", None) for arr in arrays]

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterables(iterables)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in <listcomp>(.0)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterable(values)
2513 codes =
2514 else:
-> 2515 cat = Categorical(values, ordered=True)
2516 categories = cat.categories
2517 codes =

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
349 # raise, as we don't have a sortable data structure and so
350 # the user should give us one by specifying categories
--> 351 raise TypeError("'values' is not ordered, please "
352 "explicitly specify the categories order "
353 "by passing in a categories argument.")

TypeError: 'values' is not ordered, please explicitly specify the categories order by passing in a categories argument.

share|improve this question

I can't create a pd.Series object from this dictionary for some reason. I did it with another one very similar.

Note: Updated 2018-June-04
It looks like there is a GitHub issue for this:


import pandas as pd
from numpy import array
import numpy as np

param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])

pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
634 try:
--> 635 order = uniques.argsort()
636 order2 = order.argsort()

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
445 try:
--> 446 sorter = values.argsort()
447 ordered = values.take(sorter)

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
344 try:
--> 345 codes, categories = factorize(values, sort=True)
346 except TypeError:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/util/ in wrapper(*args, **kwargs)
176 kwargs[new_arg_name] = new_arg_value
--> 177 return func(*args, **kwargs)
178 return wrapper

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in factorize(values, sort, order, na_sentinel, size_hint)
642 na_sentinel=na_sentinel,
--> 643 assume_unique=True)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in safe_sort(values, labels, na_sentinel, assume_unique)
449 # try this anyway
--> 450 ordered = sort_mixed(values)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in sort_mixed(values)
435 dtype=bool)
--> 436 nums = np.sort(values[~str_pos])
437 strs = np.sort(values[str_pos])

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numpy/core/ in sort(a, axis, kind, order)
846 a = asanyarray(a).copy(order="K")
--> 847 a.sort(axis=axis, kind=kind, order=order)
848 return a

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'NoneType' and 'str'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-72-1f46691300f8> in <module>()
1 param_index = OrderedDict([((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 5, 45, 85, 125, 165, 205])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 6, 46, 86, 126, 166, 206])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 7, 47, 87, 127, 167, 207])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 8, 48, 88, 128, 168, 208])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 9, 49, 89, 129, 169, 209])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 10, 50, 90, 130, 170, 210])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 11, 51, 91, 131, 171, 211])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 12, 52, 92, 132, 172, 212])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 13, 53, 93, 133, 173, 213])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 14, 54, 94, 134, 174, 214])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 15, 55, 95, 135, 175, 215])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 16, 56, 96, 136, 176, 216])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 17, 57, 97, 137, 177, 217])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 18, 58, 98, 138, 178, 218])), ((('criterion', 'gini'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 19, 59, 99, 139, 179, 219])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 20, 60, 100, 140, 180, 220])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 21, 61, 101, 141, 181, 221])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 22, 62, 102, 142, 182, 222])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 23, 63, 103, 143, 183, 223])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'log2'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 24, 64, 104, 144, 184, 224])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 25, 65, 105, 145, 185, 225])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 26, 66, 106, 146, 186, 226])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 27, 67, 107, 147, 187, 227])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 28, 68, 108, 148, 188, 228])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 'sqrt'), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 29, 69, 109, 149, 189, 229])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 30, 70, 110, 150, 190, 230])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 31, 71, 111, 151, 191, 231])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 32, 72, 112, 152, 192, 232])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 33, 73, 113, 153, 193, 233])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', None), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 34, 74, 114, 154, 194, 234])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 1)), array([ 35, 75, 115, 155, 195, 235])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 2)), array([ 36, 76, 116, 156, 196, 236])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 3)), array([ 37, 77, 117, 157, 197, 237])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 5)), array([ 38, 78, 118, 158, 198, 238])), ((('criterion', 'entropy'), ('max_features', 0.382), ('min_samples_leaf', 8)), array([ 39, 79, 119, 159, 199, 239]))])
----> 2 pd.Series(list(param_index.values()), index=param_index.keys())

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/ in __init__(self, data, index, dtype, name, copy, fastpath)
181 if index is not None:
--> 182 index = _ensure_index(index)
184 if data is None:

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in _ensure_index(index_like, copy)
4955 index_like = copy(index_like)
-> 4957 return Index(index_like)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in __new__(cls, data, dtype, copy, name, fastpath, tupleize_cols, **kwargs)
433 from .multi import MultiIndex
434 return MultiIndex.from_tuples(
--> 435 data, names=name or kwargs.get('names'))
436 # other iterable of some kind
437 subarr = com._asarray_tuplesafe(data, dtype=object)

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_tuples(cls, tuples, sortorder, names)
1354 arrays = lzip(*tuples)
-> 1356 return MultiIndex.from_arrays(arrays, sortorder=sortorder, names=names)
1358 @classmethod

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in from_arrays(cls, arrays, sortorder, names)
1298 from pandas.core.arrays.categorical import _factorize_from_iterables
-> 1300 labels, levels = _factorize_from_iterables(arrays)
1301 if names is None:
1302 names = [getattr(arr, "name", None) for arr in arrays]

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterables(iterables)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in <listcomp>(.0)
2541 # For consistency, it should return a list of 2 lists.
2542 return [, ]
-> 2543 return map(list, lzip(*[_factorize_from_iterable(it) for it in iterables]))

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in _factorize_from_iterable(values)
2513 codes =
2514 else:
-> 2515 cat = Categorical(values, ordered=True)
2516 categories = cat.categories
2517 codes =

~/anaconda/envs/python3/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pandas/core/arrays/ in __init__(self, values, categories, ordered, dtype, fastpath)
349 # raise, as we don't have a sortable data structure and so
350 # the user should give us one by specifying categories
--> 351 raise TypeError("'values' is not ordered, please "
352 "explicitly specify the categories order "
353 "by passing in a categories argument.")

TypeError: 'values' is not ordered, please explicitly specify the categories order by passing in a categories argument.

python pandas dictionary indexing series

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edited Jun 4 '18 at 15:34

asked Jun 2 '18 at 23:39




  • 2

    Can't reproduce, works fine for me on 0.22.0, trying on 0.23.0 now
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:42

  • 2

    Seems like an issue with the most recent version of pandas, it breaks on 0.23.0 for me.
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:45

  • I guess I could turn it into a string and then literal_eval it later what I need the vals? What is the categorical thing it's referring to?
    – O.rka
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:46

  • 1

    I just downgraded to 0.22 and it solved all of my problems. thanks for saving the day.
    – O.rka
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:00

  • 5

    Might be worth submitting as an issue. Not sure if that is intended behavior.
    – user3483203
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:01

  • 2

    Can't reproduce, works fine for me on 0.22.0, trying on 0.23.0 now
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:42

  • 2

    Seems like an issue with the most recent version of pandas, it breaks on 0.23.0 for me.
    – user3483203
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:45

  • I guess I could turn it into a string and then literal_eval it later what I need the vals? What is the categorical thing it's referring to?
    – O.rka
    Jun 2 '18 at 23:46

  • 1

    I just downgraded to 0.22 and it solved all of my problems. thanks for saving the day.
    – O.rka
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:00

  • 5

    Might be worth submitting as an issue. Not sure if that is intended behavior.
    – user3483203
    Jun 3 '18 at 21:01



Can't reproduce, works fine for me on 0.22.0, trying on 0.23.0 now
– user3483203
Jun 2 '18 at 23:42

Can't reproduce, works fine for me on 0.22.0, trying on 0.23.0 now
– user3483203
Jun 2 '18 at 23:42



Seems like an issue with the most recent version of pandas, it breaks on 0.23.0 for me.
– user3483203
Jun 2 '18 at 23:45

Seems like an issue with the most recent version of pandas, it breaks on 0.23.0 for me.
– user3483203
Jun 2 '18 at 23:45

I guess I could turn it into a string and then literal_eval it later what I need the vals? What is the categorical thing it's referring to?
– O.rka
Jun 2 '18 at 23:46

I guess I could turn it into a string and then literal_eval it later what I need the vals? What is the categorical thing it's referring to?
– O.rka
Jun 2 '18 at 23:46



I just downgraded to 0.22 and it solved all of my problems. thanks for saving the day.
– O.rka
Jun 3 '18 at 21:00

I just downgraded to 0.22 and it solved all of my problems. thanks for saving the day.
– O.rka
Jun 3 '18 at 21:00



Might be worth submitting as an issue. Not sure if that is intended behavior.
– user3483203
Jun 3 '18 at 21:01

Might be worth submitting as an issue. Not sure if that is intended behavior.
– user3483203
Jun 3 '18 at 21:01

1 Answer





I think you just need to flatten your list of indexes.

In [1]: s = pd.Series(data=param_index.values(), index=[x[0] for x in param_index.keys()])
In [2]: s.head()
(criterion, gini) [0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200]
(criterion, gini) [1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201]
(criterion, gini) [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202]
(criterion, gini) [3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203]
(criterion, gini) [4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204]
dtype: object

share|improve this answer

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    1 Answer











    I think you just need to flatten your list of indexes.

    In [1]: s = pd.Series(data=param_index.values(), index=[x[0] for x in param_index.keys()])
    In [2]: s.head()
    (criterion, gini) [0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200]
    (criterion, gini) [1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201]
    (criterion, gini) [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202]
    (criterion, gini) [3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203]
    (criterion, gini) [4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204]
    dtype: object

    share|improve this answer


      I think you just need to flatten your list of indexes.

      In [1]: s = pd.Series(data=param_index.values(), index=[x[0] for x in param_index.keys()])
      In [2]: s.head()
      (criterion, gini) [0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200]
      (criterion, gini) [1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201]
      (criterion, gini) [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202]
      (criterion, gini) [3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203]
      (criterion, gini) [4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204]
      dtype: object

      share|improve this answer




        I think you just need to flatten your list of indexes.

        In [1]: s = pd.Series(data=param_index.values(), index=[x[0] for x in param_index.keys()])
        In [2]: s.head()
        (criterion, gini) [0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200]
        (criterion, gini) [1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201]
        (criterion, gini) [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202]
        (criterion, gini) [3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203]
        (criterion, gini) [4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204]
        dtype: object

        share|improve this answer

        I think you just need to flatten your list of indexes.

        In [1]: s = pd.Series(data=param_index.values(), index=[x[0] for x in param_index.keys()])
        In [2]: s.head()
        (criterion, gini) [0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200]
        (criterion, gini) [1, 41, 81, 121, 161, 201]
        (criterion, gini) [2, 42, 82, 122, 162, 202]
        (criterion, gini) [3, 43, 83, 123, 163, 203]
        (criterion, gini) [4, 44, 84, 124, 164, 204]
        dtype: object

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Nov 12 '18 at 19:16




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