
目前顯示的是 11月 20, 2018的文章

Woocommerce css not being applied to Woocommerce pages

up vote -1 down vote favorite I have created my own custom theme, and installed the Woocommerce plugin. All the pages are showing up correctly, but their css is not. In the developer tools, none of the elements seeem to have the css applied to them, as they are only displaying the default margin and padding. My website is not online yet, but here is the link to my github account https://github.com/naderae/elbe-collections. I have no clue where the issue could lie... any guidance as to where to look would be very helpful. css wordpress woocommerce share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 18:53 Nader 13 7 Check if the body has the class "woocommerce". If it has the class, then try removed the same class you have applied to the wrapper div of "woocommerce_content()" tag in page "woocommerce.php". – zipkundan Nov 11 at 20:14 add a comment  |  up vote -1 down vote favorite I have cre

What does the symbol mean in a string-literal?

up vote 47 down vote favorite 19 Consider following code: char str = "Hello"; What is the length of str array, and with how much 0s it is ending? c++ c string escaping string-literals share | improve this question edited Nov 10 at 18:53 Deduplicator 33.7k 6 47 87 asked Jan 17 '11 at 9:02 UmmaGumma 4,150 1 23 41 3 @CodyGray: Why have you removed the C++ tag? This has changed the correctness of some of the answers and subsequent comments? – CB Bailey Jan 17 '11 at 9:20 3 @CodyGray: C strings are still often used in C++. As for answers not being correct, that was my point; I downvoted an incorrect answer and you magically made it correct thus invalidating my downvote. – CB Bailey Jan 17 '11 at 9:27 2 @Charles Bailey I am mainly using C++, but of course I want to know is there any difference between C and C++ . That's why I add C++ tag. – UmmaGumma Jan 17 '11 at 9:38