
目前顯示的是 12月 23, 2018的文章

Treaty of Lausanne

For other uses, see Treaty of Lausanne (disambiguation). Treaty of Lausanne Treaty of Peace with Turkey Signed at Lausanne Accord relatif à la restitution réciproque des internés civils et à l'échange des prisonniers de guerre, signé à Lausanne Borders of Turkey set by the Treaty of Lausanne Signed 24 July 1923 Location Lausanne, Switzerland Effective 6 August 1924 Condition Following ratification by Turkey and any three of the British Empire, France, Italy and Japan, the treaty would come into force for those "high contracting parties" and thereafter for each additional signatory upon deposit of ratification Signatories   France   British Empire   Italy   Japan   Greece   Romania   Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes   Turkey Depositary French Republic Language French Treaty of Lausanne at Wikisource The Treaty of Lausanne (French: Traité de Lausanne ) was a peace treaty signed in the Palais de Rumine, [1] [2] Lausanne, Switzerland, on 24 July 1923. It officially set

How to trigger onPress() of TouchableOpacity instead of onBlur() of AutoComplete input?

1 JS state = autoComplete: ; value: '' selectValue = (item) => console.log('Value is selected"); setValue = (value) => this.setState( value ); closeAutocomplete = () => console.log("autocomplete is closed"); this.setState( autoComplete: ); <Autocomplete data=this.state.autoComplete defaultValue=this.state.value onChangeText=(value)=> this.setValue(value) onBlur=this.closeAutocomplete renderItem=(item) => ( <TouchableOpacity avatar onPress=()=> this.selectValue(item)> <View> <Text>item</Text> </View> </TouchableOpacity> ) /> On selecting any item from the autocomplete list, onPress() is not triggered instead onBlur is being triggered. Expected: onPress must be called on click of autocomplete list items. Issue: onBlur() is called on click of list item javascript react-native autocomplete share | improve this question edited Nov 12 at 9:59 fiza khan