Interrupted Exception on JasperReports subreport, but only sometimes
0 I have a main report with detail, page footer, summary, and background bands. If the summary band (normally the second page) stretches so that the report is three pages, everything works great and looks great. However, for some reason if the summary is only one page, then the background does not show for the summary (second) page. Here is the background xml: <background> <band height="740" splitType="Stretch"> <image scaleImage="RetainShape" onErrorType="Blank"> <reportElement isPrintRepeatedValues="false" x="10" y="10" width="1174" height="730" uuid="e3e48fc0-40e1-4c28-8b59-8d0dbad6266f"/> <imageExpression><![CDATA["\\SERVER\Data\Design Files\SolidEdgeDrawings\ERP Draft Images\"+String.format("%05d",$FdrawingRevision.getDrawingID())+$FdrawingRevision.getRevisionID()+($VPAGE_COUNT>1 ? "p"+$VPAGE_NUMBER :