Where to put css and javascript [closed]
-4 If I understand Google encourages to put the css and javascript in the same page that the html. Internal css but not inline. On the other side, all the manuals and tutorials I have read say that I should use an external document. Where should I put the css and javascript? Note: in the design o my page there it makes no difference to use the css and javascript of the "above the folder" internal and the rest external. 90% or more of the css and javascript is for the content above the folder. In my case, it makes no sense make a distinction. https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/ Resources are blocking the first paint of your page. Consider delivering critical JS/CSS inline and deferring all non-critical JS/styles https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse/audits/critical-request-chains javascript css pagespeed share | improve this question edited Nov 12 '18 at 16:28 asked Nov 12 '18 at 16:21 Nrc