Send file to another app from a list of apps in xamarin & android
0 I can't figure how send a file to shared in others apps, that I need to filter from a small list of it. I have read several tutorials and answers (like Share file to another app (whatsapp, telegram, gmail)) with no success: override this.OnCreate (bundle) = base.OnCreate (bundle) this.SetContentView (Resources.Layout.Main) let button = this.FindViewById<Button>(Resources.Id.myButton) button.Click.Add (fun args -> let fileName = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) let fileName = Path.Combine([|fileName; "AboutAssets.txt"|]) |> Path.GetFullPath this.Launch(fileName) ) member this.Launch(fileName:string) = let context = Android.App.Application.Context let getUri file = Android.Support.V4.Content.FileProvider.GetUriForFile(context, Android.App.Application.Context.PackageName + ".provider", file) let file = new Java.IO.File(fileName) let path = getUri file let extension = Android.Webkit.MimeTypeM