
目前顯示的是 1月 9, 2019的文章

Windows Azure: How to create sub directory in a blob container

60 7 How to create a sub directory in a blob container for example, in my blob container http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/ If I store some files it will be http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/1.txt http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/2.txt Now, how to create a sub directory http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/folder/ So that I can store files http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/folder/1.txt c# azure directory azure-blob-storage share | improve this question edited Nov 13 '18 at 2:03 abatishchev 69.1k 69 261 392 asked Apr 11 '10 at 22:52 veda veda 2,499 10 40 72 add a comment  |  60 7 How to create a sub directory in a blob container for example, in my blob container http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/ If I store some files it will be http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/1.txt http://veda.blob.core.windows.net/document/2.txt Now, how to create