JTidy issue with numbered list item
up vote 1 down vote favorite 1 I am facing a weird problem with Numbered List Item while generating pdf using IText . The serial number of the item list is not incremented by one when a <br/> tag is appended. consider the following example: String withoutBrTag = "<html><head></head><body><p>this is order list</p>" + " <br>" + " <ol>" + " <li>lafjad</li>" + " <li>alsdfkjla </li>" + " <li>asdflkjadslfkj</li>" + " </ol>" + " <br>" + " <p>list item ended</p> "+ "</body></html>"; String wihBrTag = "<html><head></head><body><p>this is order list</p>" + " <br>" + " <ol>" + " <br>" + " <li>lafjad</li>" + " <br>