
目前顯示的是 3月 19, 2019的文章

How much cycling distance is needed to travel every day for good muscular exercise?

7 1 As a bicycler I used to travel on cycle daily for about half an hour to maintain fitness of my legs and body. But I want to know how much time and distance is needed for a good exercise. fitness share | improve this question edited Nov 16 '18 at 16:09 Thunderforge 105 4 asked Nov 15 '18 at 8:27 Hamza Saif Hamza Saif 47 7 3 "half an hour" a day of activity is enough to maintain basic health and is generally recommended for all healthy adults. How far do you ride in that half-hour and at what relative intensity? IE are you cruising about, or going hard? Are there a lot of stops at lights (ie recovery time) or are you moving most of the time? – Criggie ♦ Nov 15 '18 at 9:08 7 Quality matters more than quantity. Cycling for half an hour at walking pace gives you barely any exercise at all -- much less than walking for half an hour, since bikes are ridiculously efficient. – David