lambda calculus typed forms
up vote 0 down vote favorite A term t is typable if there is a context Γ and a type τ such that the judgement " Γ ⊦ t : τ " is derivable. How do I indicate if the expression " f -> x -> f (f (f x)) " is typable or not? And can anyone explain to me what normal and neutral forms of lam are? Thank you lambda lambda-calculus typed share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 17:53 Andreas 4 6 add a comment | up vote 0 down vote favorite A term t is typable if there is a context Γ and a type τ such that the judgement " Γ ⊦ t : τ " is derivable. How do I indicate if the expression " f -> x -> f (f (f x)) " is typable or not? And can anyone explain to me what normal and neutral forms of lam are? Thank you lambda lambda-calculus typed share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 17:53 Andreas 4 6 add a comment | up vote 0 down vote f