
目前顯示的是 1月 2, 2019的文章

Word for exaggerating a response [closed]

12 3 In soccer, players often exaggerate their injuries to make their opponent look more guilty. I've also seen this on TV shows with a hostile police officer, saying things like "Whoa whoa whoa, calm down, sir." after the person with whom they are speaking says something innocent. The idea is exaggerating a response to make it seem like there was aggression that would have merited such a response. Is there a succint term or phrase for that? single-word-requests phrase-requests terminology share | improve this question edited Nov 13 '18 at 14:52 alwayslearning 25.6k 6 36 93 asked Nov 12 '18 at 13:16 the_hobbes 70 4 closed as primarily opinion-based by Mike R, Scott, MetaEd ♦ Nov 14 '18 at 18:55 Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific experti