
目前顯示的是 12月 19, 2018的文章

okta unable to add my jhipster microservice application

up vote 0 down vote favorite Initially I have setup microservice application with oauth2 and keycloak. I was able to do that successfully. I have added all things such as SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN_URI, SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_USER_AUTHORIZATION_URI, SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENT_ID, SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_CLIENT_SECRET, SECURITY_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SCOPE, SECURITY_OAUTH2_RESOURCE_USER_INFO_URI. I have jhipster registry running and gateway application running. I have created a application in okta with the openidconnect type application. Screen shot is mentioned below. I able to see the http://localhost:8080. Upon clicking on sign in button I getting the below error. jhipster okta okta-api jhipster-registry share | improve this question asked Nov 10 at 11:33 Satyanvesh Muppaneni 20 6 add a comment  |  up vote 0 down vote favorite Initially I have setup microservice application with oauth2 and keycloak. I was able to do that