Setting two TikZ pictures next to each other

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down vote


I have two TikZ pictures and I want to set them beside each other such that each one has its own caption. I attempted to use hfil but it created a big gap between them. Also, my thesis set up to have 4cm (left margin), so it is a bit challenging to set them together with a suitable size though I used resizebox. Can any help me to fix it?


begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);

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    up vote
    down vote


    I have two TikZ pictures and I want to set them beside each other such that each one has its own caption. I attempted to use hfil but it created a big gap between them. Also, my thesis set up to have 4cm (left margin), so it is a bit challenging to set them together with a suitable size though I used resizebox. Can any help me to fix it?


    begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
    clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
    fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
    fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
    draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
    draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
    draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
    draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
    draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
    draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
    draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
    draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
    draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
    draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
    draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
    draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
    draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
    draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
    draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
    draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
    draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
    draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
    draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
    draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
    draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
    draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
    begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
    clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
    fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
    fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
    draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
    draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
    draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
    draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
    draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
    draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
    draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
    draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
    draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
    draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
    draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
    draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
    draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
    draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
    draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
    draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
    draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
    draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
    draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
    draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
    draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote


      I have two TikZ pictures and I want to set them beside each other such that each one has its own caption. I attempted to use hfil but it created a big gap between them. Also, my thesis set up to have 4cm (left margin), so it is a bit challenging to set them together with a suitable size though I used resizebox. Can any help me to fix it?


      begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
      clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
      fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
      fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
      draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
      draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
      draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
      draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
      draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
      draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
      draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
      draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
      draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
      draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
      draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
      draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
      draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
      begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
      clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
      fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
      fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
      draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
      draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
      draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
      draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
      draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
      draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
      draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
      draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
      draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
      draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
      draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
      draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
      draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);

      share|improve this question

      I have two TikZ pictures and I want to set them beside each other such that each one has its own caption. I attempted to use hfil but it created a big gap between them. Also, my thesis set up to have 4cm (left margin), so it is a bit challenging to set them together with a suitable size though I used resizebox. Can any help me to fix it?


      begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
      clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
      fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
      fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
      draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
      draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
      draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
      draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
      draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
      draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
      draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
      draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
      draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
      draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
      draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
      draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
      draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
      begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
      clip(-4.3,-7.36) rectangle (20.1,6.3);
      fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
      fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
      draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
      draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
      draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
      draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
      draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
      draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
      draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
      draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
      draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
      draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
      draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
      draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
      draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
      draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
      draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
      draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
      draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);

      tikz-pgf diagrams combine

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Nov 11 at 21:32

      Mal JA



          2 Answers




          up vote
          down vote


          Please don't get mad at me, but frankly, your figures are a bit ... let's say "unusual". Do you really think you do anyone a favor by jamming stuff up on a small area. A proposal similar to the one by AndréC but with some very modest attempts to clean up, and with captions.

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box]
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          % draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          beginscope[xshift=7.5cm,local bounding box=right box]
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Obviously this is still far from optimal. However, at this point it is up to you to clean up.

          • What are your clips good for?

          • Since you seem think you help the readers by using tiny fonts: no, not every one likes to use magnifier glasses in order to understand figures. Figures are meant to help people to understand things, not to prevent people from wanting to continue reading.

          • Needless to say, but the labels are not at all aligned with the graphical elements.

          This is really not to make you mad at me, but I really feel you are using TikZ not in an optimal way.

          To make you a little bit less furious, I translated the left picture to something which is arguably closer to the spirit of TikZ. (How did you draw your pic? Geocobra? Inkscape?)

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box,line width=0.8pt]
          node (h) $h$;
          node[above left=1.5pt of h] (Hf) $H_f$;
          node[right=4cm of h] (ha) $h,a$;
          node[above right=1.5pt of ha] (Ha) $H_avphantomf$;
          node[below=4cm of ha] (aha) $a^*,h,a$;
          node[below right=1.5pt of aha] (He) $H_e$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (h) -- (ha)
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (ha) -- (aha)
          draw[line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt,-latex] (h) -- (aha)
          beginscope[on background layer]
          node[draw,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1,fit=(ha) (Ha) (aha) (He)] (fit1);
          node[fit=(h) (Hf)] (aux1) ;
          draw[fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1] (aux1.north west) rectangle (aux1.east
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux1) (fit1.north east)] (fit2);
          node[fit=(aha) (He)] (aux2) ;
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux2.north -| aux1.west) (fit1.south east)] (fit3);
          node[below=2pt of fit1.south] $L_a=L_e$;
          node[below=2pt of aux1|-fit1.south] $L_f$;
          node[left=2pt of aux1.west|-aux2] $R_c$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          % beginscope[shift=([xshift=1cm,yshift=-2cm]left box.east),local bounding box=right box]
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          % draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          % draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          % draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          % draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          % draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          % draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          % draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          % draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          % draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          % draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          % draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          % beginscope[font=scriptsize]
          % draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % endscope
          % endscope
          % node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Now you may translate the second picture yourself. When doing it for the first time, this is some effort. However, I'd like to argue that very soon it will pay off as you will be able to make global adjustments with simple switches. You will be much less likely to run in problems which are hard to resolve. And last but not least you will see that, unlike drawing the pictures with some interface, this is real fun.

          share|improve this answer

          • +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
            – AndréC
            Nov 11 at 22:17

          • @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 22:20

          • Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:02

          • @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          • @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:44

          up vote
          down vote

          It is possible to use the power of TikZ to place two figures side by side by side in a scope environment to shift the second to the right.

          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]

          Then to place a legend in a Tikz node.

          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;


          I didn't understand your request correctly, here is a correction that respects your margin. It is displayed thanks to the showframe package.
          I had to reduce your figures by a factor of 0.8 so that they would contain in your line.

          I modified the clip of your figure. geogebra did not minimize this clip.

           %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);


          I have not modified or simplified the rest of your code that was obviously generated with geogebra.



          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,scale=.8]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
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          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
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          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
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          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
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          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;
          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
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          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
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          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #2;


          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:07

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          2 Answers




          2 Answers










          up vote
          down vote


          Please don't get mad at me, but frankly, your figures are a bit ... let's say "unusual". Do you really think you do anyone a favor by jamming stuff up on a small area. A proposal similar to the one by AndréC but with some very modest attempts to clean up, and with captions.

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box]
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          % draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          beginscope[xshift=7.5cm,local bounding box=right box]
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Obviously this is still far from optimal. However, at this point it is up to you to clean up.

          • What are your clips good for?

          • Since you seem think you help the readers by using tiny fonts: no, not every one likes to use magnifier glasses in order to understand figures. Figures are meant to help people to understand things, not to prevent people from wanting to continue reading.

          • Needless to say, but the labels are not at all aligned with the graphical elements.

          This is really not to make you mad at me, but I really feel you are using TikZ not in an optimal way.

          To make you a little bit less furious, I translated the left picture to something which is arguably closer to the spirit of TikZ. (How did you draw your pic? Geocobra? Inkscape?)

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box,line width=0.8pt]
          node (h) $h$;
          node[above left=1.5pt of h] (Hf) $H_f$;
          node[right=4cm of h] (ha) $h,a$;
          node[above right=1.5pt of ha] (Ha) $H_avphantomf$;
          node[below=4cm of ha] (aha) $a^*,h,a$;
          node[below right=1.5pt of aha] (He) $H_e$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (h) -- (ha)
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (ha) -- (aha)
          draw[line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt,-latex] (h) -- (aha)
          beginscope[on background layer]
          node[draw,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1,fit=(ha) (Ha) (aha) (He)] (fit1);
          node[fit=(h) (Hf)] (aux1) ;
          draw[fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1] (aux1.north west) rectangle (aux1.east
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux1) (fit1.north east)] (fit2);
          node[fit=(aha) (He)] (aux2) ;
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux2.north -| aux1.west) (fit1.south east)] (fit3);
          node[below=2pt of fit1.south] $L_a=L_e$;
          node[below=2pt of aux1|-fit1.south] $L_f$;
          node[left=2pt of aux1.west|-aux2] $R_c$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          % beginscope[shift=([xshift=1cm,yshift=-2cm]left box.east),local bounding box=right box]
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          % draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          % draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          % draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          % draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          % draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          % draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          % draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          % draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          % draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          % draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          % draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          % beginscope[font=scriptsize]
          % draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % endscope
          % endscope
          % node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Now you may translate the second picture yourself. When doing it for the first time, this is some effort. However, I'd like to argue that very soon it will pay off as you will be able to make global adjustments with simple switches. You will be much less likely to run in problems which are hard to resolve. And last but not least you will see that, unlike drawing the pictures with some interface, this is real fun.

          share|improve this answer

          • +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
            – AndréC
            Nov 11 at 22:17

          • @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 22:20

          • Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:02

          • @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          • @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:44

          up vote
          down vote


          Please don't get mad at me, but frankly, your figures are a bit ... let's say "unusual". Do you really think you do anyone a favor by jamming stuff up on a small area. A proposal similar to the one by AndréC but with some very modest attempts to clean up, and with captions.

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box]
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          % draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          beginscope[xshift=7.5cm,local bounding box=right box]
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Obviously this is still far from optimal. However, at this point it is up to you to clean up.

          • What are your clips good for?

          • Since you seem think you help the readers by using tiny fonts: no, not every one likes to use magnifier glasses in order to understand figures. Figures are meant to help people to understand things, not to prevent people from wanting to continue reading.

          • Needless to say, but the labels are not at all aligned with the graphical elements.

          This is really not to make you mad at me, but I really feel you are using TikZ not in an optimal way.

          To make you a little bit less furious, I translated the left picture to something which is arguably closer to the spirit of TikZ. (How did you draw your pic? Geocobra? Inkscape?)

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box,line width=0.8pt]
          node (h) $h$;
          node[above left=1.5pt of h] (Hf) $H_f$;
          node[right=4cm of h] (ha) $h,a$;
          node[above right=1.5pt of ha] (Ha) $H_avphantomf$;
          node[below=4cm of ha] (aha) $a^*,h,a$;
          node[below right=1.5pt of aha] (He) $H_e$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (h) -- (ha)
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (ha) -- (aha)
          draw[line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt,-latex] (h) -- (aha)
          beginscope[on background layer]
          node[draw,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1,fit=(ha) (Ha) (aha) (He)] (fit1);
          node[fit=(h) (Hf)] (aux1) ;
          draw[fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1] (aux1.north west) rectangle (aux1.east
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux1) (fit1.north east)] (fit2);
          node[fit=(aha) (He)] (aux2) ;
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux2.north -| aux1.west) (fit1.south east)] (fit3);
          node[below=2pt of fit1.south] $L_a=L_e$;
          node[below=2pt of aux1|-fit1.south] $L_f$;
          node[left=2pt of aux1.west|-aux2] $R_c$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          % beginscope[shift=([xshift=1cm,yshift=-2cm]left box.east),local bounding box=right box]
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          % draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          % draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          % draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          % draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          % draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          % draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          % draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          % draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          % draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          % draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          % draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          % beginscope[font=scriptsize]
          % draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % endscope
          % endscope
          % node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Now you may translate the second picture yourself. When doing it for the first time, this is some effort. However, I'd like to argue that very soon it will pay off as you will be able to make global adjustments with simple switches. You will be much less likely to run in problems which are hard to resolve. And last but not least you will see that, unlike drawing the pictures with some interface, this is real fun.

          share|improve this answer

          • +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
            – AndréC
            Nov 11 at 22:17

          • @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 22:20

          • Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:02

          • @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          • @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:44

          up vote
          down vote


          up vote
          down vote


          Please don't get mad at me, but frankly, your figures are a bit ... let's say "unusual". Do you really think you do anyone a favor by jamming stuff up on a small area. A proposal similar to the one by AndréC but with some very modest attempts to clean up, and with captions.

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box]
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          % draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          beginscope[xshift=7.5cm,local bounding box=right box]
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Obviously this is still far from optimal. However, at this point it is up to you to clean up.

          • What are your clips good for?

          • Since you seem think you help the readers by using tiny fonts: no, not every one likes to use magnifier glasses in order to understand figures. Figures are meant to help people to understand things, not to prevent people from wanting to continue reading.

          • Needless to say, but the labels are not at all aligned with the graphical elements.

          This is really not to make you mad at me, but I really feel you are using TikZ not in an optimal way.

          To make you a little bit less furious, I translated the left picture to something which is arguably closer to the spirit of TikZ. (How did you draw your pic? Geocobra? Inkscape?)

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box,line width=0.8pt]
          node (h) $h$;
          node[above left=1.5pt of h] (Hf) $H_f$;
          node[right=4cm of h] (ha) $h,a$;
          node[above right=1.5pt of ha] (Ha) $H_avphantomf$;
          node[below=4cm of ha] (aha) $a^*,h,a$;
          node[below right=1.5pt of aha] (He) $H_e$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (h) -- (ha)
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (ha) -- (aha)
          draw[line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt,-latex] (h) -- (aha)
          beginscope[on background layer]
          node[draw,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1,fit=(ha) (Ha) (aha) (He)] (fit1);
          node[fit=(h) (Hf)] (aux1) ;
          draw[fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1] (aux1.north west) rectangle (aux1.east
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux1) (fit1.north east)] (fit2);
          node[fit=(aha) (He)] (aux2) ;
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux2.north -| aux1.west) (fit1.south east)] (fit3);
          node[below=2pt of fit1.south] $L_a=L_e$;
          node[below=2pt of aux1|-fit1.south] $L_f$;
          node[left=2pt of aux1.west|-aux2] $R_c$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          % beginscope[shift=([xshift=1cm,yshift=-2cm]left box.east),local bounding box=right box]
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          % draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          % draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          % draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          % draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          % draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          % draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          % draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          % draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          % draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          % draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          % draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          % beginscope[font=scriptsize]
          % draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % endscope
          % endscope
          % node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Now you may translate the second picture yourself. When doing it for the first time, this is some effort. However, I'd like to argue that very soon it will pay off as you will be able to make global adjustments with simple switches. You will be much less likely to run in problems which are hard to resolve. And last but not least you will see that, unlike drawing the pictures with some interface, this is real fun.

          share|improve this answer

          Please don't get mad at me, but frankly, your figures are a bit ... let's say "unusual". Do you really think you do anyone a favor by jamming stuff up on a small area. A proposal similar to the one by AndréC but with some very modest attempts to clean up, and with captions.

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box]
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          % draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          beginscope[xshift=7.5cm,local bounding box=right box]
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Obviously this is still far from optimal. However, at this point it is up to you to clean up.

          • What are your clips good for?

          • Since you seem think you help the readers by using tiny fonts: no, not every one likes to use magnifier glasses in order to understand figures. Figures are meant to help people to understand things, not to prevent people from wanting to continue reading.

          • Needless to say, but the labels are not at all aligned with the graphical elements.

          This is really not to make you mad at me, but I really feel you are using TikZ not in an optimal way.

          To make you a little bit less furious, I translated the left picture to something which is arguably closer to the spirit of TikZ. (How did you draw your pic? Geocobra? Inkscape?)

          usetikzlibraryarrows % consider using arrows.meta instead

          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          beginscope[local bounding box=left box,line width=0.8pt]
          node (h) $h$;
          node[above left=1.5pt of h] (Hf) $H_f$;
          node[right=4cm of h] (ha) $h,a$;
          node[above right=1.5pt of ha] (Ha) $H_avphantomf$;
          node[below=4cm of ha] (aha) $a^*,h,a$;
          node[below right=1.5pt of aha] (He) $H_e$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (h) -- (ha)
          draw [line width=1.2pt,-latex] (ha) -- (aha)
          draw[line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt,-latex] (h) -- (aha)
          beginscope[on background layer]
          node[draw,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1,fit=(ha) (Ha) (aha) (He)] (fit1);
          node[fit=(h) (Hf)] (aux1) ;
          draw[fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.1] (aux1.north west) rectangle (aux1.east
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux1) (fit1.north east)] (fit2);
          node[fit=(aha) (He)] (aux2) ;
          node[draw,inner sep=0pt,fit=(aux2.north -| aux1.west) (fit1.south east)] (fit3);
          node[below=2pt of fit1.south] $L_a=L_e$;
          node[below=2pt of aux1|-fit1.south] $L_f$;
          node[left=2pt of aux1.west|-aux2] $R_c$;
          node[anchor=north] at (left box.south)A caption.;
          % beginscope[shift=([xshift=1cm,yshift=-2cm]left box.east),local bounding box=right box]
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          % fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_f$;
          % draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle L_a=L_e$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          % draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle Psi^-1 $;
          % draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_f$;
          % draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          % draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          % draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_e$;
          % draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          % draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle R_a^*$;
          % draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle g$;
          % draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          % draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle ga^*$;
          % draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle aga^*$;
          % draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $scriptstyle H_a^*$;
          % beginscope[font=scriptsize]
          % draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          % endscope
          % endscope
          % node[anchor=north] at (right box.south)Another caption.;

          enter image description here

          Now you may translate the second picture yourself. When doing it for the first time, this is some effort. However, I'd like to argue that very soon it will pay off as you will be able to make global adjustments with simple switches. You will be much less likely to run in problems which are hard to resolve. And last but not least you will see that, unlike drawing the pictures with some interface, this is real fun.

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Nov 11 at 23:41

          answered Nov 11 at 22:04




          • +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
            – AndréC
            Nov 11 at 22:17

          • @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 22:20

          • Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:02

          • @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          • @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:44

          • +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
            – AndréC
            Nov 11 at 22:17

          • @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 22:20

          • Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:02

          • @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          • @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
            – marmot
            Nov 11 at 23:44

          +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
          – AndréC
          Nov 11 at 22:17

          +1 But, if you install the showframe package, your figures (like mine in my first answer) exceed the margins.
          – AndréC
          Nov 11 at 22:17

          @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
          – marmot
          Nov 11 at 22:20

          @AndréC Thanks and I am aware of this. However, I believe that in their present form the figures are not to be used anywhere, let alone a thesis in which some of the readers assign grades. So I hope the OP cleans up, and then the fine-tuning will make more sense.
          – marmot
          Nov 11 at 22:20

          Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
          – Mal JA
          Nov 11 at 23:02

          Marmot! Thanks for your suggestions and help but this is the first time I received such a response! from you, though YOU always supported me a lot (this is not the first time by the way). Just imagine how many people, facing a similar issue and seeking an answer, will read it. The labels aligned nicely before I paste them here (I was really shocked when I realized that they appear odd). Anyhow, I will clean it soon and I apologize for any inconvenience caused by my inquiry.
          – Mal JA
          Nov 11 at 23:02

          @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
          – marmot
          Nov 11 at 23:07

          @MalJA I actually do try to support you. You are saying that this is for a thesis, and I just do not want you to run into trouble. And as for the labels: you place them manually, add footnotesize and ignore all the complaints from the compiler. What I did was to replace this by scriptstyle, which is appropriate in math mode, and you see what happens. Main messages: 1. do not use absolute positioning. TikZ allows you to do much better. 2. Do not jam things up. If you have a figure, try to make at appealing such that your advisor gives you a good grade.
          – marmot
          Nov 11 at 23:07

          @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
          – marmot
          Nov 11 at 23:44

          @MalJA I added now a version of the left picture that is IMHO more in the spirit of TikZ. Does that solve your original question? No. However, I already mentioned that your pictures are too crowded IMHO opinion. As you can see, this code has zero (!) hardcoded coordinates. Everything is consistent with the theory of general relativity, i.e. all elements are placed relative to each other. If you want to make adjustments, you only need to change one thing rather than many. Hope this will make you less angry.
          – marmot
          Nov 11 at 23:44

          up vote
          down vote

          It is possible to use the power of TikZ to place two figures side by side by side in a scope environment to shift the second to the right.

          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]

          Then to place a legend in a Tikz node.

          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;


          I didn't understand your request correctly, here is a correction that respects your margin. It is displayed thanks to the showframe package.
          I had to reduce your figures by a factor of 0.8 so that they would contain in your line.

          I modified the clip of your figure. geogebra did not minimize this clip.

           %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);


          I have not modified or simplified the rest of your code that was obviously generated with geogebra.



          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,scale=.8]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;
          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #2;


          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          up vote
          down vote

          It is possible to use the power of TikZ to place two figures side by side by side in a scope environment to shift the second to the right.

          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]

          Then to place a legend in a Tikz node.

          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;


          I didn't understand your request correctly, here is a correction that respects your margin. It is displayed thanks to the showframe package.
          I had to reduce your figures by a factor of 0.8 so that they would contain in your line.

          I modified the clip of your figure. geogebra did not minimize this clip.

           %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);


          I have not modified or simplified the rest of your code that was obviously generated with geogebra.



          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,scale=.8]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;
          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #2;


          share|improve this answer

          • Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          It is possible to use the power of TikZ to place two figures side by side by side in a scope environment to shift the second to the right.

          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]

          Then to place a legend in a Tikz node.

          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;


          I didn't understand your request correctly, here is a correction that respects your margin. It is displayed thanks to the showframe package.
          I had to reduce your figures by a factor of 0.8 so that they would contain in your line.

          I modified the clip of your figure. geogebra did not minimize this clip.

           %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);


          I have not modified or simplified the rest of your code that was obviously generated with geogebra.



          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,scale=.8]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;
          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #2;


          share|improve this answer

          It is possible to use the power of TikZ to place two figures side by side by side in a scope environment to shift the second to the right.

          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]

          Then to place a legend in a Tikz node.

          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;


          I didn't understand your request correctly, here is a correction that respects your margin. It is displayed thanks to the showframe package.
          I had to reduce your figures by a factor of 0.8 so that they would contain in your line.

          I modified the clip of your figure. geogebra did not minimize this clip.

           %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);


          I have not modified or simplified the rest of your code that was obviously generated with geogebra.



          begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,scale=.8]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (1.24,5.) -- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          fill[line width=0.8pt,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (4.64,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.2,0.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (0.62,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize h$;
          draw (4.7,4.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ha$;
          draw (2.4,5.16) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_avert___H_f $;
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (1.04,4.3)-- (4.42,4.28);
          draw [line width=1.2pt] (5.5,4.2)-- (5.5,1.38);
          draw (4.68,3.34) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_a^*vert___H_a $;
          draw (2.3,2.84) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi $;
          draw (4.74,1.28) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize a^*ha$;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw (5.32,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a$;
          draw (5.26,0.86) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,4.28),rotate=270] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(5.5,1.38),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (1.04,4.3) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=ududff] (5.5,4.2) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(4.42,1.36)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=xdxdff] (-5.8,5.) circle (2.5pt);
          draw[color=xdxdff] (-4.18,6.47) node $G'$;
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #1;
          % endtikzpicture
          % hfil
          % begintikzpicture[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1.0cm,y=1.0cm]
          %draw(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          clip(-.6,-1) rectangle (6.3,5.5);
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,5.) -- (5.8,5.) -- (5.8,4.) -- (0.,4.) -- cycle;
          fill[line,color=zzttqq,fill=zzttqq,fill opacity=0.10000000149011612] (0.,1.16) -- (5.8,1.18) -- (5.8,0.18) -- (0.,0.2) -- cycle;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (5.8,5.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,4.)-- (5.8,4.);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,0.2)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (-0.66,5.02) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_f$;
          draw (4.7,0.26) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize L_a=L_e$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (4.64,5.)-- (4.64015172233386,0.1839994768195382);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,1.18)-- (0.,1.16);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (1.24,5.)-- (1.2201234230270745,0.19579267785163076);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (0.,5.)-- (0.,0.2);
          draw [line width=0.8pt] (5.8,5.)-- (5.8,0.18);
          draw (2.2,2.76) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize Psi^-1 $;
          draw (0.06,5.18) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_f$;
          draw [line width=1.2pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (4.74,0.44)-- (1.42,0.44);
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (0.18,0.66)-- (0.2,3.8);
          draw (2.66,1.3) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize psi_a^*vert___H_e $;
          draw (5.32,1.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_e$;
          draw (0.38,3.32) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize phi_avert___H_a^* $;
          draw (-0.72,1.08) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize R_a^*$;
          draw (4.86,0.96) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize g$;
          draw [line width=0.8pt,dash pattern=on 5pt off 5pt] (1.42,3.78)-- (4.42,1.36);
          draw (0.4,0.94) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize ga^*$;
          draw (0.28,4.72) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize aga^*$;
          draw (0.62,1.38) node[anchor=north west] $footnotesize H_a^*$;
          draw [fill=black] (4.74,0.44) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,0.44),rotate=90] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black] (0.18,0.66) circle (1.0pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(0.2,3.8)] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          draw [fill=black,shift=(1.42,3.78),rotate=180] (0,0) ++(0 pt,2.25pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,-3.375pt)--++(-3.8971143170299736pt,0 pt) -- ++(1.9485571585149868pt,3.375pt);
          node at (2,-.5) Legend #2;


          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Nov 11 at 22:19

          answered Nov 11 at 21:49




          • Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          • Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
            – Mal JA
            Nov 11 at 23:07

          Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
          – Mal JA
          Nov 11 at 23:07

          Thanks, AndreC for your suggestion and help I always learn from such a webpage.
          – Mal JA
          Nov 11 at 23:07

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