1 2 I'm trying to develop a multiplot heatmap.2 saved to a pdf. I'm having some success but the axis labels are getting chopped off. Subplot titles are also desirable but again the labels are getting chopped. Here's my reproducible code: library(gridExtra) library(grid) library(gridGraphics) library(gplots) Col = colorRampPalette(c("red","orange","yellow", "white")) grab_grob <- function() grid.echo() grid.grab() par(cex.main=0.1, mar = c(1,1,1,1) ) #data<-read.table("heatmap.input.matrix.data.txt") lmat = rbind(c(2,3),c(4,1),c(4,1)) lwid = c(2.5,4) lhei = c(0.5,4,3) labRowvec <- c(rep(NULL, dim(matrix(runif(1000, 1,10),ncol=50))[1])) labColvec <- c(rep(NULL, dim(matrix(runif(1000, 1,10),ncol=50))[2])) gl <- lapply(1:12, function(i) heatmap.2(matrix(runif(1000, 1,10),ncol=50), dendrogram = "none",offsetRow=-0.5, offsetCol=-1,srtCol=0, density="density", lmat =lmat,lhei = l
(function() {
var items = ['id': '2963451613719937858', 'body': 'Nice work bro. But mine not showing on my blogger blogx3cbr /x3ex3cbr /x3ehttps://obhiabablog.blogspot.com.ng', 'timestamp': '1469098319403', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1469098319403#c2963451613719937858', 'author': 'name': 'Prince John Okosun', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c7AzYA2aDh8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAABic/wgYYWSvB-Ig/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/12301775134217028139', 'displayTime': 'Jul 21, 2016, 3:51:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-605869752', 'id': '1037318775281517817', 'body': 'Replace the URL http://www.mybloggertricks.com thrice with your URL. ', 'timestamp': '1469098574994', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1469098574994#c1037318775281517817', 'author': 'name': 'Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai', 'avatarUrl': '//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-f8qSqNLtpBU/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAQeo/f7nmpa1_dQ0/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/11681339458447132019', 'displayTime': 'Jul 21, 2016, 3:56:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-1736397285', 'id': '1401578348069611232', 'parentId': '2963451613719937858', 'body': 'sorry my mistake. I have corrected the code in step#10', 'timestamp': '1469099730912', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1469099730912#c1401578348069611232', 'author': 'name': 'Mohammad Mustafa Ahmedzai', 'avatarUrl': '//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-f8qSqNLtpBU/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAQeo/f7nmpa1_dQ0/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/11681339458447132019', 'displayTime': 'Jul 21, 2016, 4:15:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-1736397285', 'id': '7080210982661509306', 'parentId': '1037318775281517817', 'body': 'Thanks Admin. It worked. But when i try to increase the thumbnail size to width: 270px; height: 200px;, the image become blur and unclear.', 'timestamp': '1469116031917', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1469116031917#c7080210982661509306', 'author': 'name': 'Prince John Okosun', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c7AzYA2aDh8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAABic/wgYYWSvB-Ig/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/12301775134217028139', 'displayTime': 'Jul 21, 2016, 8:47:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-605869752', 'id': '7432251714508200870', 'body': 'beautifull widged', 'timestamp': '1469969028442', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1469969028442#c7432251714508200870', 'author': 'name': 'Imron Fhatoni', 'avatarUrl': '//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-TNht1GdNBsc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAFPc/Pvf9BQ264lw/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/18030836574216391697', 'displayTime': 'Jul 31, 2016, 5:43:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-517472248', 'id': '5148619135925746571', 'body': 'Hiiii,x3cbr /x3eNice!!!!Thank you for sharing this post..:)', 'timestamp': '1471011446617', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1471011446617#c5148619135925746571', 'author': 'name': 'Peter Mark', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/zFdxGE77vvD2w5xHy6jkVuElKv-U9_9qLkRYK8OnbDeJPtjSZ82UPq5w6hJ-SAx3ds35', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/16600105472043915152', 'displayTime': 'Aug 12, 2016, 7:17:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-915635260', 'id': '3694437506650692175', 'body': 'i installed the widget in my blog but its size is overflowing from my sidebar i mean its too big for my sidebar, is there any way to decrease the width?', 'timestamp': '1471399894362', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1471399894362#c3694437506650692175', 'author': 'name': 'The Vip', 'avatarUrl': '//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-92i_f7XxBRc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAF8/_fZlfD0vEts/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/13867859789172830086', 'displayTime': 'Aug 17, 2016, 7:11:00 AM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-247592265', 'id': '1776913071131652471', 'body': 'My first comment on this lovely blog, am happy to say this that you have produced a student in Nigeria, and am using this medium to say a big thank you brother... x3cbr /x3eAm also using to tell you that am at the point of releasing two 2 blogger templates from the tutorials that I learnt from this platform. Am a good writer but just learning coding. x3cbr /x3eSo I want to add this widget as Horizontal and vertical List of Random in this templates, pls what changes should I make in this code? Warm regards and jazakumlahu hairan. ', 'timestamp': '1471424653127', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1471424653127#c1776913071131652471', 'author': 'name': 'Ola mouslat', 'avatarUrl': '//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-K_zd6PWGhlk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAACGY/qjWQgNrD9Os/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/04631609730781177630', 'displayTime': 'Aug 17, 2016, 2:04:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-1185614153', 'id': '767738580922348597', 'body': 'Thanks for this post. Pls I have search the whole of related articles on this blog looking for a related post widget without thumbnail. Do you have it ', 'timestamp': '1473066997374', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1473066997374#c767738580922348597', 'author': 'name': 'uthman saheed', 'avatarUrl': '//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-XGlBLSS8yTg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAACGg/nXweM5KmAQ8/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/00932760816409731382', 'displayTime': 'Sep 5, 2016, 2:16:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-1390967834', 'id': '469036103984997869', 'body': 'i love you', 'timestamp': '1475628357034', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1475628357034#c469036103984997869', 'author': 'name': 'iyke stanley', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/zFdxGE77vvD2w5xHy6jkVuElKv-U9_9qLkRYK8OnbDeJPtjSZ82UPq5w6hJ-SAx3ds35', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/12223564142700993961', 'displayTime': 'Oct 5, 2016, 5:45:00 AM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-1528409564', 'id': '9212291464062487240', 'body': 'admin thank you, i have done all what you said on your post on random post, but the script is appearing on top of my blog. in html formal', 'timestamp': '1478207495499', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1478207495499#c9212291464062487240', 'author': 'name': 'OKafor Vincent Toochukwu', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/zFdxGE77vvD2w5xHy6jkVuElKv-U9_9qLkRYK8OnbDeJPtjSZ82UPq5w6hJ-SAx3ds35', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/03988104036821859727', 'displayTime': 'Nov 4, 2016, 2:11:00 AM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-1353281586', 'id': '8298860237120546469', 'body': 'really love this. many thanks!', 'timestamp': '1478676768144', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1478676768144#c8298860237120546469', 'author': 'name': 'Sheriff Dol', 'avatarUrl': '//lh4.googleusercontent.com/-0pB2zVgbRgk/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAA-c/MwfNUX_z49w/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/11760617100624737775', 'displayTime': 'Nov 9, 2016, 12:32:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-2115861415', 'id': '4337111367376015322', 'body': 'Hello could you help me in 6 step how do i change to other styles', 'timestamp': '1481569721020', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1481569721020#c4337111367376015322', 'author': 'name': 'rikinno', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/zFdxGE77vvD2w5xHy6jkVuElKv-U9_9qLkRYK8OnbDeJPtjSZ82UPq5w6hJ-SAx3ds35', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/10545738753582205281', 'displayTime': 'Dec 13, 2016, 12:08:00 AM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-978359103', 'id': '3113158980411122247', 'body': 'Hello, Each x26quot;lix26quot; tag has its own class (such as .node0, .node1, .node2, etc. I do not understand this, I want it to stay, Horizontal List of Random Posts With Large Side Thumbnail. Where do I change the code?', 'timestamp': '1482171767389', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1482171767389#c3113158980411122247', 'author': 'name': 'rikinno', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/zFdxGE77vvD2w5xHy6jkVuElKv-U9_9qLkRYK8OnbDeJPtjSZ82UPq5w6hJ-SAx3ds35', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/10545738753582205281', 'displayTime': 'Dec 19, 2016, 11:22:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-978359103', 'id': '1085679421656940755', 'body': 'Hello, Each x26quot;lix26quot; tag has its own class (such as .node0, .node1, .node2, etc. I do not understand this, I want it to stay, Horizontal List of Random Posts With Large Side Thumbnail. Where do I change the code?', 'timestamp': '1484265715658', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1484265715658#c1085679421656940755', 'author': 'name': 'rikinno', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/zFdxGE77vvD2w5xHy6jkVuElKv-U9_9qLkRYK8OnbDeJPtjSZ82UPq5w6hJ-SAx3ds35', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/10545738753582205281', 'displayTime': 'Jan 13, 2017, 5:01:00 AM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-978359103', 'id': '7931884321790693458', 'body': 'Can you make this but for Popular Post? Because the widget from Blogger seems sucks for my blog... thanks, great tutorial!', 'timestamp': '1488980432437', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1488980432437#c7931884321790693458', 'author': 'name': 'Andy Julianto', 'avatarUrl': '//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ahgYbuDPOSQ/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAC8/dmlGhxlF22s/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/09254646872930067099', 'displayTime': 'Mar 8, 2017, 6:40:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-262109926', 'id': '929985665344385788', 'body': 'Also, i noticed the thumbnail is always from youtube thumbnail if there is one in the post, and sometimes from other places. Is there any way to disable this, i only want use the main image i place in the postx3cbr /x3ex3cbr /x3ethanks again!', 'timestamp': '1488983055920', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1488983055920#c929985665344385788', 'author': 'name': 'Andy Julianto', 'avatarUrl': '//lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ahgYbuDPOSQ/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAC8/dmlGhxlF22s/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/09254646872930067099', 'displayTime': 'Mar 8, 2017, 7:24:00 PM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-262109926', 'id': '8879872910929279843', 'body': 'Hello. Please a have a little problem.x3cbr /x3ex3cbr /x3eI tried using CSS to customize it to a horizontal list using .node but it only works for .node0 and posts all shown have .node0 as their class. How can i fix this?', 'timestamp': '1498892390621', 'permalink': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/2016/07/random-posts-widget-for-blogger.html?showCommentx3d1498892390621#c8879872910929279843', 'author': 'name': 'Prince John Okosun', 'avatarUrl': '//lh3.googleusercontent.com/-c7AzYA2aDh8/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAABic/wgYYWSvB-Ig/s35-c/photo.jpg', 'profileUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/12301775134217028139', 'displayTime': 'Jul 1, 2017, 11:59:00 AM', 'deleteclass': 'item-control blog-admin pid-605869752'];
var msgs = 'loadMore': 'Load more...', 'loading': 'Loading...', 'loaded': 'No more!', 'addComment': 'Add comment', 'reply': 'Reply', 'delete': 'Delete';
var config = 'blogId': '8193278726666811965', 'postId': '6609752572216638183', 'feed': 'https://www.mybloggertricks.com/feeds/6609752572216638183/comments/default', 'authorName': 'M. Mustafa Ahmedzai', 'authorUrl': 'https://www.blogger.com/profile/11681339458447132019', 'baseUri': 'https://www.blogger.com', 'maxThreadDepth': 2;
// 0)
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return entry.content.$t;
var parse = function(data)
cursor = null;
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var comment = ;
// comment ID, parsed out of the original id format
var id = /blog-(d+).post-(d+)/.exec(entry.id.$t);
comment.id = id ? id[2] : null;
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return comments;
var paginator = function(callback) {
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var url = config.feed + '?alt=json&v=2&orderby=published&reverse=false&max-results=50';
if (cursor)
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window.bloggercomments = function(data) {
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cursor = parsed.length
Prince John OkosunJul 21, 2016, 3:51:00 PM
Nice work bro. But mine not showing on my blogger blog
Mohammad Mustafa AhmedzaiJul 21, 2016, 4:15:00 PM
sorry my mistake. I have corrected the code in step#10
Mohammad Mustafa AhmedzaiJul 21, 2016, 3:56:00 PM
Replace the URL http://www.mybloggertricks.com thrice with your URL.
Prince John OkosunJul 21, 2016, 8:47:00 PM
Thanks Admin. It worked. But when i try to increase the thumbnail size to width: 270px; height: 200px;, the image become blur and unclear.
Imron FhatoniJul 31, 2016, 5:43:00 PM
beautifull widged
Peter MarkAug 12, 2016, 7:17:00 PM
Nice!!!!Thank you for sharing this post..:)
The VipAug 17, 2016, 7:11:00 AM
i installed the widget in my blog but its size is overflowing from my sidebar i mean its too big for my sidebar, is there any way to decrease the width?
Ola mouslatAug 17, 2016, 2:04:00 PM
My first comment on this lovely blog, am happy to say this that you have produced a student in Nigeria, and am using this medium to say a big thank you brother...
Am also using to tell you that am at the point of releasing two 2 blogger templates from the tutorials that I learnt from this platform. Am a good writer but just learning coding.
So I want to add this widget as Horizontal and vertical List of Random in this templates, pls what changes should I make in this code? Warm regards and jazakumlahu hairan.
uthman saheedSep 5, 2016, 2:16:00 PM
Thanks for this post. Pls I have search the whole of related articles on this blog looking for a related post widget without thumbnail. Do you have it
iyke stanleyOct 5, 2016, 5:45:00 AM
i love you
OKafor Vincent ToochukwuNov 4, 2016, 2:11:00 AM
admin thank you, i have done all what you said on your post on random post, but the script is appearing on top of my blog. in html formal
Sheriff DolNov 9, 2016, 12:32:00 PM
really love this. many thanks!
rikinnoDec 13, 2016, 12:08:00 AM
Hello could you help me in 6 step how do i change to other styles
rikinnoDec 19, 2016, 11:22:00 PM
Hello, Each "li" tag has its own class (such as .node0, .node1, .node2, etc. I do not understand this, I want it to stay, Horizontal List of Random Posts With Large Side Thumbnail. Where do I change the code?
rikinnoJan 13, 2017, 5:01:00 AM
Hello, Each "li" tag has its own class (such as .node0, .node1, .node2, etc. I do not understand this, I want it to stay, Horizontal List of Random Posts With Large Side Thumbnail. Where do I change the code?
Andy JuliantoMar 8, 2017, 6:40:00 PM
Can you make this but for Popular Post? Because the widget from Blogger seems sucks for my blog... thanks, great tutorial!
Andy JuliantoMar 8, 2017, 7:24:00 PM
Also, i noticed the thumbnail is always from youtube thumbnail if there is one in the post, and sometimes from other places. Is there any way to disable this, i only want use the main image i place in the post
thanks again!
Prince John OkosunJul 1, 2017, 11:59:00 AM
Hello. Please a have a little problem.
I tried using CSS to customize it to a horizontal list using .node but it only works for .node0 and posts all shown have .node0 as their class. How can i fix this?