1 2 I'm trying to develop a multiplot heatmap.2 saved to a pdf. I'm having some success but the axis labels are getting chopped off. Subplot titles are also desirable but again the labels are getting chopped. Here's my reproducible code: library(gridExtra) library(grid) library(gridGraphics) library(gplots) Col = colorRampPalette(c("red","orange","yellow", "white")) grab_grob <- function() grid.echo() grid.grab() par(cex.main=0.1, mar = c(1,1,1,1) ) #data<-read.table("heatmap.input.matrix.data.txt") lmat = rbind(c(2,3),c(4,1),c(4,1)) lwid = c(2.5,4) lhei = c(0.5,4,3) labRowvec <- c(rep(NULL, dim(matrix(runif(1000, 1,10),ncol=50))[1])) labColvec <- c(rep(NULL, dim(matrix(runif(1000, 1,10),ncol=50))[2])) gl <- lapply(1:12, function(i) heatmap.2(matrix(runif(1000, 1,10),ncol=50), dendrogram = "none",offsetRow=-0.5, offsetCol=-1,srtCol=0, density="density", lmat =lmat,lhei = l
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AnonymousDec 1, 2011, 11:17:00 PM
Thanks for this ^_^
the sabraJan 12, 2012, 5:41:00 AM
I've tried adding this since ages ago, went to so so many sites, tried so many different ways and it never worked on my blog. This is the first one that worked and it was so super simple. Thank you so so much!
Md.shaiful islam TalukderDec 3, 2012, 11:33:00 PM
Thanks'. It works prorerly .
Muhammad Talha Bin YousufMar 24, 2013, 1:12:00 AM
thanks man
Pratheesh omnitecApr 15, 2013, 4:04:00 PM
This is the good blog and the contents are really nice and well thinking about this. and the article is very nice. thanks for sharing here with us.