
目前顯示的是 1月 19, 2019的文章

How to group by month in Elastic search

0 0 I am using elastic search version 6.0.0 for group by month, I am using date histogram aggregation. example which I've tried : "from":0, "size":2000, "_source": "includes":[ "cost", "date" ], "excludes":[ ], "aggregations": "date_hist_agg": "date_histogram": "field":"date", "interval":"month", "format":"M", "order": "_key":"asc" , "min_doc_count":1 , "aggregations": "cost": "sum": "field":"cost" and as a result i got 1(Jan/January) multiple times. As I have data of January-2016 ,January-2017 , January-2018 so will return 3 times January. but i Want January only once which contains the sum of All years of January. elasticsearch elasticsearch-5 elasticsearch-aggregation elasticsearch-6

Darjeeling tea

Darjeeling tea Geographical indication Darjeeling tea Alternative names দার্জিলিং চা The Champagne of Teas Type Tea of West Bengal Area Darjeeling Country India Registered 29 October, 2004 Material Tea leaf Official website ipindiaservices.gov.in Darjeeling tea is a tea grown in the Darjeeling district in West Bengal, India, and widely exported and known. It is processed as black, green, white and oolong tea. When properly brewed, it yields a thin-bodied, light-coloured infusion with a floral aroma. The flavour can include a tinge of astringent tannic characteristics and a musky spiciness sometimes described as "muscatel". [1] Unlike most Indian teas, Darjeeling tea is normally made from the small-leaved Chinese variety of Camellia sinensis var. sinensis , rather than the large-leaved Assam plant ( C. sinensis var. assamica ). Traditionally, Darjeeling tea is made as black tea; however, Darjeeling oolong and green teas are becoming more commonly produced and easier to fin